
2021.12.11 sat NOT WONK presents “露/ro after pa/rty””露 at ROOTS

4月 4th, 2022

2021.12.11 sat


NOT WONK presents “露/ro after pa/rty””

open/start 23:00 – end

entrance fee adv ¥2,500(tax in.) discount ¥2,000(tax in.)

同日ELLCUBE公演の半券持参で¥500 off

-LIVE- NOT WONK (nitemate set)

vo/gt. shuhei kato, ba. fuji, dr. akim, gt. taiyo furesawa, per. minami matsuura, trp. miku kiyosawa

pa : Keisuke ohno from ELLCUBE

O.A. at the room – BANGLANG

-DJ- GAK from Tomakomai

OSSO(PROVO) from Sapporo

REN(LIMIT) from Asahikawa

SHIN(B.G.M) from Tomakomai

yoneyu(something) from Sapporo (A to Z)